What is Worksite Short Term Disability Insurance?
Most people rely on their income to pay for day-to-day expenses such as food, mortgage, and cell phone bills. Unfortunately, these expenses don’t stop if you’re temporarily out of work during a total disability. Individual short term disability insurance is designed to temporarily replace a portion of your income while you cannot work to help you keep up with your regular bills.

Advantages of Worksite Individual Short Term Disability Insurance
- Benefits are paid directly to you and are not reduced by Social Security Disability Income, workers’ compensation, or employer paid time off
- Convenient payroll deduction or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
- Coverage on the first day of the month payroll deduction or EFT begins
- Guaranteed renewable coverage until age 72 – Your coverage can’t be canceled as long as premiums are paid
- Portable coverage you own – keep the policy even if you leave your employer