Your everyday life and future plans could quickly be affected. Your income provides the foundation for life as you know it. It allows you to meet your financial obligations, save for the future, and enjoy life's simple pleasures such as a family vacation.
What if you couldn't work to earn your income?
Your everyday life and future plans could quickly be affected. Your income provides the foundation for life as you know it. It allows you to meet your financial obligations, save for the future, and enjoy life's simple pleasures such as a family vacation.
Why Get Disability Income Insurance (DI)?
Disability Insurance 101
In just 2 minutes you’ll understand why protecting your paycheck with disability income insurance (DI) is so important! Watch this brief informative video about the basics of DI.
Disability Income Insurance (DI) Needs Calculator
Find out how much DI you may need with our DI Needs Calculator.
Which Job Would You Choose?
See how disability income insurance (DI) from Illinois Mutual can work for you.
It's Simple: You Need Your Paycheck
What if you were to become sick or hurt and Totally Disabled? What if you couldn’t work to earn your paycheck?
What Happens to Your Income if You Can’t Work?
Have you thought about what would happen if you couldn’t work to earn your income?
Disability Income Insurance for Starting Professionals
Andrea Schaidle, Assistant Vice President of DI Sales, explains Illinois Mutual's Starting Professionals program.
Learn More About DI
DI + BE + ROP = Good Business
See how DI+BE+ROP equals good business.
The M.U.G.® Plan
See how disability income insurance (DI) could help you cover your M.U.G.
DI Protects Your Financial Future
Without your income, your financial foundation isn’t stable.
4 Disability Insurance Myths
When you learn the truth about DI myths, you have a better understanding of income protection and how it could fit into your financial future.
Income Protection for Working Women
Income protection can help working women cover bills and focus on recovery through illness and injury.
Income Protection for Nurses
Nurses: Find out how DI can help protect your paycheck when you really need it.
Income Protection for Real Estate Agents
Disability income insurance (DI) can protect your paycheck when a disability leaves you unable to show listings, conduct open houses and meet clients.
Learn More About Business Expense Insurance (BE)
Small Businesses Need Insurance
Learn why small business owners need disability income insurance.
Is Your Income Protected?
How long could your business continue without you there to generate revenue? See how DI, BE and ROP can help small business owners like you.
DI and BE Insurance for Small Business Owners
Disability income insurance (DI) and business expense insurance (BE) just go together. Like peanut butter and jelly.
Business Expense Insurance and Return of Premium for Small Business Owners
Why Illinois Mutual?
Compassionate and Timely Claims Processing — Disability Income Insurance
Direct Access to Underwriters
Learn More About How Life Events Can Change Your DI Needs
Dr. Khidhra Poole and Jimmy Poole are partners in life and in business. They want to protect their income so they can always be there for their employees.
Meet Sean: DI Policyowner
Sean’s family and business are ready for the unexpected because he has disability income protection along with disability business overhead expense protection.
Meet Alan: DI Policyowner
Alan wanted protection in case the unexpected were to happen. He understood the importance of protecting his income, his business and his way of life.
Meet agent Chris Vogt
Meet Chris, an Illinois Mutual DI agent that wants to explain and help people understand "what is disability income insurance?"