Customize Your DI or BE Policy

Design a disability income insurance (DI) or business expense (BE) insurance plan for your specific needs and financial goals with optional features and benefits.

Customize Your DI or BE Policy

Design a disability income insurance (DI) or business expense (BE) insurance plan for your specific needs and financial goals with optional features and benefits.

Automatic Increase Benefit Rider

Not available with Business Expense Power or Simplified Issue DI

This rider increases the Total Disability Monthly Benefit automatically on the first premium due date on or after each of your first five policy anniversaries. No premiums are charged for the Automatic Increase Benefit Rider. However, when an automatic benefit increase takes place, policy premiums will increase in accordance with the increase in benefits.

Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Rider

Not available with Business Expense Power or Simplified Issue DI

This optional rider increases the base benefit payment starting in the second year of Total Disability, based on the cost of living adjustment.


Guaranteed Insurability Option (GIO) Rider for Disability Income Insurance

Not available with Simplified Issue DI

As your income increases and your DI needs change, the GIO Rider allows you to get the DI coverage you need now with the option to purchase additional coverage in the future without evidence of good health. You can purchase additional coverage up to 5 times, every 2 years after the policy effective date, prior to age 55. A purchase may be accelerated in the event of a life change (marriage, death of a spouse, divorce, or birth or adoption of a child).


Guaranteed Insurability Option (GIO) Rider for Business Expense Insurance

Not available with Simplified Issue DI

As your income increases and your DI needs change, the GIO Rider allows you to get the DI coverage you need now with the option to purchase additional coverage in the future without evidence of good health. You may purchase additional coverage up to 5 times, every 12 months after the policy effective date prior to age 60.

Integrated Monthly Benefit Rider

Not available with Business Expense Power or Simplified Issue DI

This optional rider pays an additional total disability benefit reduced by the receipt of Social Security, workers’ compensation, Railroad Retirement and Government Retirement/Disability Fund.

Non-Cancelable Policy Rider

Not available with Business Expense Power or Simplified Issue DI

This optional rider adds a non-cancelable (guaranteed premium) feature to the policy.

Residual Disability Benefit Rider

Not available with Business Expense Power or Simplified Issue DI

This optional rider pays a benefit for residual disability, which means the inability to perform one or more of the substantial and material duties of your occupation or inability to perform these duties for as long as usually required and the loss of 20% or more of your prior monthly income.

Retroactive Injury Benefit Rider

Not available with Simplified Issue DI

This optional rider pays benefits from the date of total disability due to injury if the total disability occurs within 30 days of the injury and continues through the elimination period.


Return of Premium (ROP) Rider

Not available with Simplified Issue DI

This optional rider provides DI coverage if you need it, and money back if you don’t. This rider allows for 100% return of premium paid, less any benefits received, from ages 65 to 67. Beginning with the 5th policy year, you may receive a portion of the premiums paid, less any benefits received. The policy ends after the return of premium is paid and may not be reinstated.

The following optional riders may also be available. Please ask your agent for more details.

  • Five Year Own Occupation Extension Rider

  • Five Year Pure Own Occupation Rider

  • To Age 67 Own Occupation Extension Rider

  • Two Year Pure Own Occupation Rider