Buying a Home

A young couple hugging while standing in front of their house

Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you can make. But one of the most important steps is making sure you're considering all your insurance needs to ensure you can keep your home if the unexpected were to happen.

Disability Insurance

You likely purchased your home with the expectation that your income would stay the same, or even increase! Your paycheck is what allows you to pay your new mortgage, maintain your property and keep up your lifestyle. If you were unable to work due to a disabling illness or injury, your disability insurance benefit could be used to help you take care of mortgage payments and other expenses that don't go away when you can't work.

Life Insurance

No one wants to think about untimely death, but if you were to unexpectedly pass away, would your family be able to keep paying the mortgage? Life insurance can help your family stay in their home at a time when they would need it the most.