your business to your clients
The Agent Portal also houses your ability to submit electronic applications over the web. With this tool, you can automatically populate clients’ information by pulling directly from the illustration if you choose to create one. We will walk you through the process in this video so you can immediately start calculating rates for your clients.
Disability Income Insurance Application Overview

Go to
Click the “Agents” link near the top right of the page.
Click “Log In/Register.”
Enter your email and password.
Go to "Illustrations & Applications"
Start an Application.
You can select "Create Application" on the left menu or start an application from a previous or new illustration that you run. If you use an illustration, information from the illustration will automatically pull to the application.
Ensure your popup blockers are turned off as they may prevent you from seeing important documents that you need to review in the application process.
Complete each portion of the application by filling out the required information, then clicking “continue.”
As you navigate through the application, pay attention to complete all required fields.
During the application process, you'll be prompted to move forward with Part B questions (medical questions) or you can skip this section. Skipping Part B means your client will receive a phone call from our vendor who will ask these questions via telephone.
Signatures can be collected with multiple options.
If your client is with you in the office, signatures can be collected on screen with a computer mouse or stylus. If your client is not in person, you can send an email to collect signatures at a later time.
Once the last signature is completed, you may submit the final signatures by using the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen.